Star Guardian - Evento

Na vibe das Estrelas. Entramos e fizemos nosso melhor para que todos possam se divertir com toda a felicidade!
Que voce possa virar um(a) Star Guardian!

Our ModSkin offers the best quality, and everything that you deserve!


It offers the availability to use any skin you want, be it with crhomas or without.


We have a customizable client and easy to use, without any dificult to find your favorite skin.


We frequentelly update, so you don't need to worry with being without your favorite skin in League.


Easy to download, light archieves, heavier, does not matter your choice, it doens't has any Virus or Malware that can affect your PC.

"I liked a lot this mod, my last one failed too much and was delayed. But this one is fast, has no frequentely bugs, and the updates comes more faster. The program itself is realy good, the updates appears in the left corner of the screen, and the developers are really active to help you with any problem or question. In short way, it was extremely perfect, I hope that the team improves with time.
With love, Lorie "
Lorie / Feedback via Discord

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